ማየት ከተሳነው ሸይክ ሙአድ ጋር አጭር አሳዛኝና አስተማሪ ውይይት Emotional Story of a Blind Kid



Emotional Story of a Blind Kid with Amharic and English subtitle

other Amharic Islamic video
  • Ibn _ Ju Banned

    የአማርኛ ትርጉም ጽሁፉ (subtitle) ማይታዮ ከሆነ እባክዎን በቪድዮው ከታች በስተቀኝ በኩል youTube ሚለው ላይ ሁለቴ በተከታታይ ክሊክ ያድርጉ
    If you are not able to view the Amharic subtitle, please double click on the "youTube" on the bottom right corner of the video. That will take you to the YouTube page where you can see the subtitle