AbuHurairaCenter - Road To Glory Conference (oct. 11th&12th 2008)


The Abu Huraira Center invites you to their fall conference entitled "The Road to Glory" where you will be taken on a journey strung with pearls of thoughts and sentiment of legends and stories of warriors and battles of determination and zeal and of tears and worship and a remarkable desire for the hereafter. Join us as we tread the path of honor and dignity that was trail blazed by the forerunners of the early generation. Be an audience to the likes of Abu Usaamah Adh-Dhahabee, Abu Muslimah, Said Rageah and Waleed Abdulhakim and more as your senses will be refreshed by sensational lecturers and you're spirits will be elevated with Emaan.http://www.abuhuraira.org
English Da'awa
islam, quran, hadith, sunnah, prophet, muhammed, abu, huraira, center, said, rageah, usamah, muslimah, waleed, abdul, hakim, road, to, glory, conference
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