Ethiopian Muslims Global Council ask Muslim Communities and Masjid Imams all over the World to make special prayer.

We Ethiopian Muslims are writing to bring to your attention the plight  of Ethiopian 
Muslims. Ethiopia (known in the time of Rasul-Alllah (saw) as Habesha) is the land of the first 
Hijira, land of Luqmanel Hakeem, Bilal ibnu Rabaah, Ummu Aymen and others. The country that 
once sheltered oppressed Muslims has long been turned oppressor to the same people to the 
extent the world forget our existence. As a matter of fact, we are more than 50% of the 
population of the country, however we are denied to freely practice, and reflect our Islamic 
identity and all in all denied representation in any affairs of our country.
Currently, the government of Ethiopia is leading a campaign in collaboration with the 
handpicked so called “Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs” to indoctrinate all Muslims in the 
country with the ideology of a sect called "Abdulah Al-harari’s Ahbash” and putting “Ahbash” in 
charge of Islamic affairs at gun point. Muslims in the country and diaspora rose against forceful 
indoctrination of this heretic group, the ahbash, and government interference in religious affair 
as a violation of constitution of the country. Extremely peaceful protest has been going on for 
more than 8 months in the capital, Addis Ababa, spread throughout the country and the 
diaspora communities demanding simple and basic constitutional and universal rights of 
Ethiopian Muslims. 
In response to this exemplary peaceful protest, dubbed by some  media outlets as an 
extremely peaceful struggle never witnessed any where in the world, even than the one followed
by M. Ghandi and M. Luther King (junior), such protest has been taking place only in Masjids 
after Juma’a prayers. Ironically, rather than positively answering the simple demands tabled by 
the people, the government opted for brutally cracking-down on peaceful protesters, to the 
extent of breaking into mesjids, beating up innocent worshipers, torturing, killing and mass 
arrest, which intensified from the beginning of Ramadan. Furthermore, all Ramadan programs 
such as Taraweeh prayer, handing out zakatulitr and sadaqa has been completely disrupted and 
left the needy unattended. Currently the popularly elected 13 out of 17 Committees, Muslim 
scholars, preachers, imams and other Muslims are imprisoned, continuously being tortured and 
falsely accused of ‘extremism’ for nothing but for peacefully demanding for respect of the 
constitutional rights.
Dear Muslim brothers and sisters-in-Islam, we need you to hear our voice of appeal and 
echo our demands so that we join hands and cry to Allah together to end the oppression of 
Muslims. We request you in the name of Allah to make Qunut Dua’a after every Terawih and 
Tahajud for Ethiopian Muslims and other oppressed fellows all over the world. Some countries 
like Saudi Arabia have already started making dua’a for us and we Hope Allah will find some 
pious Muslims in these ummah to accept our dua’a. May Allah grant you the best reward for 
showing solidarity to your brethren Ethiopian Muslims?  
Ethiopian Muslims Global Council
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