
Breathing Forest



***I don't not own this video***

Source: https://www.theweathernetwork.com/news/articles/wind-causes-forest-to-start-breathing-sacre-coeur-quebec-canada-october-2018/115245

Wednesday, October 17, 2018, 1:48 PM - A video taken in Sacre-Coeur, Quebec Tuesday, has captured Weather Network viewer's attention. In it, strong winds push and pull at the forest floor, making it look like it's 'breathing'.

While forests don't breathe per se, the trees that reside in them do, by taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen in a process called photosynthesis.

But unlike humans, this process doesn't involve inhaling and exhaling -- which is exactly what the forest floor in this video appears to be doing.

'Breathing' forests aren't uncommon, and we've received a few videos of the phenomenon over the years.

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