DawahIsEasy - Dawa In The Park: Volume Five (1/14)


Part (2/14): www.youtube.com Dawa In The Park: Volume Five Speakers: Abdurraheem Green Mansur Ahmed Isa Calliste Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips Abu Sufyan Macdowell In this video brother Mansoor Ahmed reasons for the existence of the Creator, Sheikh Abdurraheem Green exposes the so-called 'Nation of Islam,' brother Isa Calliste debates some fine points of Christian doctrine, Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips discuss how Allah reveals Himself, Sheikh Abu Sufyan Macdowell reminds the reality of death and helps revert a sister to Islam. Abdurraheem Green: Anthony Green was born in 1964 in Dar es Salam, in Tanzania where his father, Gavin Green CBE was colonial administrator. He was educated at Ampleforth College, a Roman Catholic monastic boarding school and studied Modern History in Royal Holloway College of the University of London. His disillusionment with Chirstianity in particular and the materialistic orientation of modern Western Civilization in general lead him to search through the world's great religions and ideologies. After reading a translation of the Qur'aan he felt that this book alone stood out as being of divine origin. He embraced Islam in 1987 and became known as Abdurraheem Green. Since then he has been actively involved in Daw'ah around the UK and abroad. He has travelled extensively throughout the world sharing his knowledge of Islam and calling mankind to the worship of the One True Lord - Allah, and has authored several papers which have been published on the...
Dawah Is Easy
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