GreenLaneMosque - The History Of The Salafi Da'wah In The Uk (part 2)


'Aboo Junayd, hafidhaullah, talks about the history of the salafi dawah in the United kingdom. Some of the things covered in this lecture: - 'OASIS' becomes 'maktabatus Salafiyyah' or Salafipublications [1:24 min] - Jamiat Ahle Hadeeth/Green Lane Mosque and their connections with the Kuwaiti charity, Jammiyah ihya turath [16:55 min] - The Shurah of Jamiat ahle Hadeeth give an ultimatum to Abu Khadeejah and the Salafi Brothers: "Either you join us or you leave this masjid and set up your own place" [17:44 min] - Jamiat Ahle Hadeeth and their connections with the UK government and secular political parties [18:00 min] - Jamiat Ahle Hadeeth and their co-operation with the Sects of misguidance [18:20 min] - Jamiat Ahle Hadeeth and their connections with 'Lashkar Taiba', a Jihadi group in Pakistan [19:40 min] - Abdul Hadi 'Umari of Jamiat Ahle Hadeeth bans all Salafi study circles in Green Lane Mosque [22:17 min] - A few weeks later Salafipublications set up a da'wah centre calling to the Salafi da'wah on Muntz Street, Birmingham [24:18 min] - Jamiat Ahle Hadeeth bring Abu Usamah ath-Thahabi to Birmingham, UK, to undermine the Salafi da'wah there [30:10 min] If you want to find out more about the Salafi da'wah in the UK, then I recommend you read the following series of articles: and: If you want to learn more about the Qutubis and Surooris (two deviant groups), go to this link: Learn more about the...
Green Lane Mosque
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