It's what I saw ! 6 egg eggs entire Quran sariph wrote the 70- year buradekhuna



Quran on Eggs! Quite incredible! Right? This made it happen by a 70 years old Saudi man who dedicated his life to make this thing possible.

Every Muslim has his or her way to express his love for Allah. Some express it by memorizing it, some by reciting it and some by spreading it to the other people. But there are some other people, who go an extra mile to show their love to Almighty Allah.

But this 70 years old man from Saudi Arabia did something very strange yet wonderful. His name is Ahmed Abdan, he has dedicated all of his life to the cause of Arabic Calligraphy. And he managed to write the entire Quran correctly on 6 Eggs only!

Ahmed Abdan loves reading and righting and he made it possible by standing on his feet. He told the media that he wrote the entire Quran on these 6 eggs as he stood up all the time.

Quran on Eggs 4

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