khalifahklothing - Channel Suspension Think Before You Claim A Copyright


UPDATE: THE CHANNEL HAVE NOW BEEN OPENED AS A BACKUP CHANNEL DIGITALMIMBAR UPDATE(21-Oct-2011):THE KHALIFAHKLOTHING CHANNEL HAVE BEEN RE-ESTABLISHED ALHAMDULILLAH: The best Youtube Islamic channel was suspended by Youtube due to multiple Copyright claims by three muslim channels itself. "Dawa comes First, and Profit comes Last" Alhamdulillah, The Quran and the sunna of the Prophet PBUH was not copyrighted from day 1. I do hope that KhalifahKlothing will be back, and that the brother in charge will see the big picture. This video is based on a true story revealed in an authentic hadith found in imam Ghazalis book, Ihya ulum al deen. The iron faith. Worshiping other the God is the biggest sin. Always recheck and update Your Niyyaths(Intentions), and beware of Shaitaan's deception. Remember: He have 1000's of years of experience in this field. Video reuploaded from another channel: IronFaith1 [[UPDATE: THE CHANNEL HAVE NOW BEEN OPENED AS A BACKUP CHANNEL NAMED DIGITALMIMBAR ]] A forum discussion going on about the issue: UPDATE[21-OCT-2011]:KHALIFAHKLOTHING CHANNEL HAVE BEEN RE-ESTABLISHED. Alhamdulillah.
English Da'awa
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