LifewithAllah - Did Imam Abu Hanifa See Any Sahabi? Was He A Tabee?


Some people argue after watching this video that: " says that imam abu hanifa saw anas bin malik and also usama at-thahabi says that imam abu hanifa saw anas bin malik but LifewithAllah says that imam abu hanifa didnt see any sahabi so shud we believe in Islamqa and usama thahabi or LifeiwthAllah?" Answer: My der brother or sister in Islam, I have already stated in the video that there is difference of opinion amongst scholars on this issue and you do not do justice to me or yourself when you say that "LIfewithAllah says that imam abu hanifa didnt see any sahabi", LifewithAllah has presented the Statement of Imam Daraqutni Rahimahullah and the Research of one of the best scholars and muhaddith alive today, Shaykh Zubair Ali Zai. I mentioned in the video that alot later scholars depended upon the statements made in Tareekh al baghdad. If Islamqa or Usama Ath-thahabi say that he was a tabee then they have their proof which i mentioned that its weak and not acceptable and note that this Work and research is not Done by me, its Shaikh Zubair ali zai who is probably the best scholar and most knowledgable scholar Alive today specially in the field of hadeeth, Ilm-ur-rijaal and takhreej etc. He got into its depth and got this conclusion which is Authentic with Definitive proofs. Now your arguement is that abu usamah and shaykh Saleh Al Munajjid have this view and LifewithAllah has another. My dear brother if that is your arguement then let me make this crystal clear...
English Da'awa
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