Mahbere Kidusan Leaders Are Angry



If the government is unable to protect them, they will stop a lawyer if they can build a mosque while they want to. The thirst for human blood is cut off by the sacrifice of the Orthodox young man. why? I struggle to ask it with all my heart. For our fears have overwhelmed us. I find it hard to blame them completely. The contempt for our contempt is filled with us, especially in the priesthood.

As a result, the construction of a mosque is underway recently without the need for a visit from the Debre Merit Church. The issue is not only for the Orthodox. How intelligent is the government that will allow Mehdi to flourish and close to the African Union? Not far from there, there is a great mosque on the ground less than a mile away. If there was any concern, he would have had enough. If not, the rock churches should keep their distance, as allowed by city planning law.

The country is vast. If done properly, it will be enough for all of us. Let's be confident that they are working to get us to fight. Otherwise there is a fire there in the house. There is no way that Islam is propagated when the Orthodox Church is disturbed. We don't want to be disturbed (just as we are). Therefore, the Addis Ababa administration will quickly correct the cycle.

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