TheQuranexplorer - Amazing recitation of the Qur'an (Full Quran translated) juz' 30 - 8/8


(Full Quran translated) juz' 30 - 8/8Sura :Al-Qaria (THE CALAMITY, THE STUNNING BLOW, THE DISASTER)start at beginning of video until 0:47At-Takathur (RIVALRY IN WORLD INCREASE, COMPETITION)start at 0:47 until 1:28Al-Asr (THE DECLINING DAY, EVENTIDE, THE EPOCH)start at 1:28 until 1:48Al-Humaza (THE TRADUCER, THE GOSSIPMONGER)start at 1:48 until 2:29Al-Fil (THE ELEPHANT)start at 2:29 until 3:01Quraish (WINTER, QURAYSH)start at 3:01 until 3:26Al-Maun (SMALL KINDNESSES, ALMSGIVING, HAVE YOU SEEN)start at 3:26 until 3:58Al-Kauther (ABUNDANCE, PLENTY)start at 3:58 until 4:16Al-Kafiroon (THE DISBELIEVERS, ATHEISTS)start at 4:16 until 4:53An-Nasr (SUCCOUR, DIVINE SUPPORT)start at 4:53 until 5:18Al-Masadd (PALM FIBRE, THE FLAME)start at 5:18 until 5:46Al-Ikhlas (SINCERITY)start at 5:46 until 6:01Al-Falaq (THE DAYBREAK, DAWN)start at 6:01 until 6:24An-Nas (MANKIND)start at 6:24 until end of the video
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