GreenLaneMosque - Flourish. Thrive. Succeed. - GLM Conference 2011


In the current climate of fear and suspicion, Muslim communities across the globe and specifically in the West have been thrust into the spotlight; their mere presence is often regarded as suspect and subversive.These tensions have resulted in stunting the aspiration of Muslims and have pushed them into further isolation. It is in precisely this backdrop, that Green Lane Masjid presents to you a refreshing summer conference that will challenge your perceptions and logically force you to reconstruct your outlook and capitalise on the manyopportunities that are before you. Through a series of key, thought provoking talks by an array of dynamic speakers, you will be presented with the essential ingredients enabling you to not only to survive, but to FLOURISH, THRIVE&SUCCEED as Muslims in the West, contributing positively to the society at large.
Green Lane Mosque
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