Hailemariam Dessalegn Interview fetsum wushet



Meche Yehon Ewunet Yemiwerawu ye Ethiopia Muslim mechem islamawi mengest yememesret Teyaqe Teyeqo ayawqem 


Dimtsachen Ysema Tegel Video
  • amine

    the Muslims are not asking for the implementation of sharia law in Ethiopia.They have been asking for free election to be conducted in Ethiopia Supreme Council of Muslim Affair. All of the leader in this council are not elected by the majority of Muslims .They are there to oppress the Muslims and the government is using this council to impose Al ahbash sect on Ethiopian Muslim. Ethiopian Muslim have been resisting governments attempt to corrupt Islam.

  • Hayati kuluha lilah

    mengst behaymanot talqa emaygeba kehone lemn tadiya talqa gebto ntuhan hzbn ygelal yasral ydebedbal lemn lemn .....
    meche newu demo haymanotachinn yakeberuln techequnen zm blen new snnor yeneber meche newu haymanotachinn yaskeberuln zm bnl bntages aqm yatan alah kegnaga yalaydele meselachewu endy letgstm eko gedeb alew ......
    yaltetafe eyanebebu endefelegu bemuslim yemiyalakku yetaserut kaltefetu tyaqyyachin kaltemelese tglachinn anaqomm mnm bihon mnm in shaalah dl lEthiopia muslimochi alahu alber alahu akber alahu akber .