Sulafi1407 - Throwing Shoes At Palestine Demonstration In Londonistan On 6th Muharram 1430ah Aka 03/


I lobbed 2 shoes here! Well proud of myself! lol i actually hit a copper(those ones stnding in a straight line-that was my 2nd shot) and (1) bare ppl holla-ed (sayng oooh, yaaay, etc) (2) ppl around me strtd getng a litle too excitd about that (3) EVERY1 stared at me (4) and an old kafir women congradulated me for that! my firt shot was a hi-heeled one, which(im guessng) was lobbd by a women, coz it just landed at arms reach for me, so i pickd it up and lobbd it again, and th 2nd one,some man gav me to throw,so i took 5 stps back, and wooooosh! hit a copper!i knw i knw, not gud for dawah wise. May Allaah forgiv us all
English Da'awa
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