Khalifahklothing - Ghosts, Spirits, And Demons: The Islamic Perspective


Published In this episode of The Deen Show Dr. Basyouni discusses the concept of the unseen world in Islam. Find out all about the Unseen World of the Jinn and the evil devils that live amongst us in this episode of TheDeenShow. Key Points of This Video Introduction [start time 00:00] What are the Jinn? [start time 03:50] Paranormal Activity [start time 10:43] Idols talking? [start time 16:11] Voodooism&Crystal ball [start time 18:13] Should you be afraid of Jinn? How to protect yourself from Jinn? [start time 22:57] Satan&Jinn [start time 31:07] Throne of Satan? Some of the attributes of the Jinn Dogs can see Jinn Haunted house [start time 42:43] Examples of Jinn interacting with Humans Exorcism [start time 49:30] Sins&Jinn [start time 54:35] Magicians performing&Jinn [start time 55:10] Islamic Exorcism [start time 57:27] Conclusion [start time 59:00] For more Shows visit To get the DVDs visit Radio shows
English Da'awa
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